Saturday, January 29


For the first time in ages, I realize that a cloudy day is not entirely good..It sucks!

Anyway, I had a terribly bad day yesterday. I cried myself till I have headache up to thus very moment.

Huft,,,it's awful.
It's so surprising how we can be so upset about something that we think we won;t be bale to make it until the next day..ckckckcck

Sunday, January 9

a rainy monday

I wake up this morning with the same awkward feeling I always have every time Monday come.
I never knew where that feeling comes from,I don/t care anyway.
What I do care is that it always ruin my entire mood no matter how good I felt in the previous evening when I went sleep.
Luckily, this morning is not so bad. I have my life in order lately that things are exactly the way I want them to be.xoxo
Hopefully, this will last forever even though people believe that nothing last forever.